I am extremely proud to announce the launch of my new website.  When I started out on this project I wanted something that reflected who I am and the knives I build.  A website that was super clean and modern, with a touch of old school still in the mix.  And of course a site that was user friendly and easy to navigate from any device.

I teamed up with my very talented and humble friend, who wishes to remain anonymous, as well as my very skilled wife to put this all together.  My wife provided some amazing photos and my friend put them in the site creating a very stunning effect.  Now it's easier than ever to catch up on news, check out pics of the knives I have built and buy a little swag to hold you over until you score a knife.

A new addition to the site that I have not had before is the webstore.  There are a few items that will be for sale on a regular like my new pocket slips and limited edition hankies.  Soon I will also offer t-shirts, hats and other swag. So stop by often to see what's come in.  I will also offer some knives for sale here on occasion so keep your eyes peeled for those.

I simply cannot thank my friend and my wife enough for this beautiful site and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.